Healthy Snack Food Ideas for Teenagers

Teenage is one of the most crucial stages in a person’s life, if not the most. This phase serves as the gateway of a child to adulthood. Both the body and the mind undergo several vital and permanent changes which have a lasting impact for the entire life.

Thus, it is very important that a teenager gets the proper kind of nutrition to ensure complete growth. Further, since there is a development of strong will and the creation of a sense of freedom, teenagers often tend to eat out a lot or even binge on random unhealthy snacks and high calorie, fatty food which entice the taste bud but serve no other positive purpose.

Parents should keep a tab on what kind of food a teenager is having, especially the snacks. Here are some healthy snack food ideas for teenagers to help both the parents as well as the teenagers.

Healthy and Interesting Snacks for Teenagers

Here is a list of healthy food which you can serve as snacks to your teenage kid without any worries of it being rejected.
  • Fruit Salad- Like we all know, fruits are rich sources of minerals, fibres and vitamins. It is ideal to have one or more seasonal fruit every day but many teenagers refuse to comply. Making a fruit salad is the best way to get them interested yet not running any nutrient value.
  • Yoghurt- Try the low fat variety and add some cottage cheese and berries to it to increase the calcium as well as mineral count and at the same time attract your unruly teenager to something good!
  • Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita- The whole wheat bread is the source of the much needed fibre and the hummus gives the nutrients of the legumes as well as that of the olive oil. It is tasty and filling, thus removing chances of binging.
  • Baked Chips- The best option when it comes to baked chips is corn. To add an element of interest in it, go for a bean dip.
  • Popcorn- To make this more filling, add nuts and dried fruits to it. Make or get popcorn without salt.
  • Soup- Make chicken clear soups and vegetable soups and to make them healthier, add some whole grain crackers to them.
Peanut butter, apples, nuts, soy milk, boiled eggs, cereals, string cheese, bananas, beans- all make for healthy options for snacks. All you need to do to convince your teenager to have them is prepare some interesting combinations to keep the food value alive and yet make them tasty.

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